Biomodel4Regions keeps attending international conferences to spread information about the project and building the network. In April, 18th to 20th, the project joins the Waste Management Europe Conference and Exhibition.
The project lead partner Ciao Tech attends the Waste Management Europe Conference and Exhibition, this year held in Bergamo, Italy, with a stand where the project are presented together with several other projects.
And in addition to poster presentation and dissemination and communication material the project was part of an oral presentation of the projects.
If you want to visit the Ciao Tech stand the number is 128.
To read more about the project, please visit
The Swedish Bioeconomy Parliament is an annual national conference that gathers relevant and important stakeholders within the field of bioeconomy. This year the conference was held in Umeå and a number of important stakeholders attended. And as an arranger of the event BioFuel Region was able to arrange a meeting with national bioeconomy strategist and national government representatives for a dialogue regarding what topics are relevant.
In connection with the Swedish Bioeconomy Parliament BioFuel Region was able to gather several of the regional bioeconomy strategist in Sweden as well as two representatives for a national investigation about the bioeconomy strategy commissioned by the government and will result in a report.
To be able to gather a number of high-level key stakeholder is an incredible opportunity and resource, says Magnus Matisons, project leader BioFuel Region. This gives a golden opportunity to learn more about the government perspective on these questions as well as feed relevant feedback to both the regions and the government investigators.
This type of possibility for networking both transregional and on national level is central for the progression of government development in line with what BIOMODEL4REGIONS amies to achieve. And by taking the initiative and facilitate this BioFuel Region has established an important network for the future work in the project.
The Swedish Bioeconomy Parliament is an annual national conference for organizations and companies within the field of bioeconomy. This year it was held in Umeå and gathered about 130 participants that got to listen to the lates developments within bioeconomy, the upcoming challenges and possibilities for the future.
On February 22-23 the BIOMODEL4REGIONS was promoted to about 130 stakeholders within the field of bioeconomy, primarily within forestry. As many of them hold strategically important positions the participation from the project is both very important and has the possibility of significant impact.
The Swedish Bioeconomy Parliament is one of the most important arenas for stakeholder interaction when it comes to the forest part of bioeconomy, says Magnus Matisons, project leader at BioFuel Region.
The conference featured keynote speakers from both the industry and policy side, many of the focusing both on the challenges and need for good governance of the field. As the green transition progresses bioeconomy hold an important part of the puzzle that must be completed in order to make the shift towards a circular economy.
For more about the conference, see Bioekonomiriksdagen 2023 (In Swedish)
In the framework of the project, the BIOMODER4REGIONS partners SPRING, APRE, ICLEI and Wageningen University realised, in Florence 21 February 2023, an onsite co-creation workshop to discuss with the regional stakeholders issues related to local biobased products, services and initiatives and bioeconomy governance models in Tuscany.
The workshop was organised within a series of co-creation events that were already successfully carried out in February in an online form with the other project’s Pilot Regions in Greece, the Netherlands, Slovakia, France and Sweden.
During the first part of the session, moderated by APRE and supported by the Wageningen University, the local stakeholders had the chance to share their feedback and experience related to the state-of-the-art of the regional bioeconomy, drivers and barriers for the development of local bio-based products and services, positive and negative consequences of realistaion of such products and services, and bioeconomy-related initiatives currently present in Tuscany. The input received from the stakeholders will feed the development of the conceptual business model framework that will be subsequently used by the Pilot Regions to establish their regional bio-based economy strategies blueprints.
The second session led by ICLEI focused on the stakeholders’ evaluation of a local bioeconomy governance model developed by ICLEI that will be further updated and completed thanks to the feedback received from the stakeholders and, in the longer perspective, will allow to analyse the actual governance system, practices and related policies in the Tuscany region.
BIOMODEL4REGIONS was represented by our partner Bioeconomy Cluster from Slovakia at the Living Conuntry 2023 conference. The conference was held in Prague (Czech Republic) on January 31st 2023.
The conference was the most important event on regenerative farming in the Czech Republic. The speakers were researchers and experts on soil, farmers from practice as well as policy makers who led interesting presentations and panel discussions on how profitable and environmentally beneficial regenerative agriculture is.
BIOMODEL4REGIONS was presented with the poster and the Bioeconomy Cluster took the conference as an opportunity to spread information about the project, as well as a space for networking with people from the Slovak pilot region, since the conference was attended by some stakeholders who had already joined the project, as well as the target group of consumers.
Here is more information about the conference: (In Czech)
In this the first newsletter from the BIOMODEL4REGIONS project you will get introduced the all the partners in the project, what expertise the contribute with, and what role they have in the project.
The BIOMODEL4REGIONS project aims to support the establishment of the innovative governance models at local/regional level to achieve better informed decision-making processes, social engagement and innovation to support and strengthen EU and international science-policy interfaces to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
The methodology is based on the set-up of a governance structure among bioeconomy clusters that will leverage on previous successful projects, initiatives and best practices to capitalise on work performed through several years of research and studies in the field of bioeconomy. These results will be demonstrated within the project to support 6 pilot regions chosen in clusters’ network.
Here you can read the whole newsletter:
Newsletter no 1 – Biomodel4Regions
On behalf of the Biomodel4Regions Project we wish you All a Happy Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!
We are looking forward to sharing the process of the project next year!
Participating partners:
APRE – Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea
CluBE-Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia
SPRING – Italian Circular Bioeconomy Cluster
Wageningen University & Research
The first project meeting online was a success. On December 12th, 2022, BIOMODEL4REGIONS held it first consortium meeting with all partners online. The progress of the project during the first 6 months was presented and the upcoming work was discussed.
For half a day the whole consortium of BIOMODEL4REGIONS meet via Teams and held a fruitful meeting where the latest achievements was presented, progress with the ongoing tasks was reported and ways forward was discussed. The meeting was hosted and moderated by Patrizia Circelli from the lead partner CiaoTech.
Each work package provided a comprehensive overview of the activities carried out during the first six months, what deliveries has been done and milestones reached.
The meeting was also forward looking and provided insights to what steps will be taken next and the general plan for the work during the next six months.
On December 5th, 2022, BIOBESTicide will host its first Training for Farmers to present the innovative biopesticide developed in the frame of the BIOBESTicide Project.
For anyone interested this is an great opportunity to discover the innovative biopesticides developed within the frame of the BIOBESTicide Project.
In this event, which will take place online from 11 to 12 (CET) and it will be moderated by GREENCEEL – the project coordinator, will unravel the features and benefits on a new biopesticide counteract the effects of Grapevine Trunk Diseases on both vineyards and winery industry.
Are you interested of taking part?
Register your participation by filling in the form!
About BIOBESTicide Project
The BIOBESTicide project will validate and demonstrate the production of an effective and cost-efficient biopesticide. The demonstration will be based on an innovative bio-based value chain starting from the valorisation of sustainable biomasses, i.e. beet pulp and sugar molasses, and will exploit the properties of the oomycete Pythium oligandrum strain I-5180 to increase natural plant defenses, to produce an highly effective and eco-friendly biopesticide solution for vine plants protection.
BIOMODEL4REGIONS partners CiaoTech and Zeilona Cheima are also partners in BIOBESTicide.
BIOMODEL4REGIONS will be presented at Ecomondo 2022, the benchmark event in Europe for technological and industrial innovation in the field of green and circular economy, which will be held in Rimini (Italy) from 8th to 11th November 2022.
CiaoTech – PNO Group will have a stand at the conference where BIOMODEL4REGIONS will be one of several projects promoted. The stand will be organized as a display booth showcasing important R&D projects that CiaoTech currently are involved in.
To find this presentation on site, visit the D1/189 stand.
Partners Private Area