The regions’ key role in the bioeconomy

March 15, 2024

The implementation of strategies takes place in the regions and our network of regions has been important in shaping the Swedish bioeconomy strategy. The differences between the regions’ have been noted when the Swedish strategy was designed. The regions have answered the investigators’ questions and BioFuel Region organized meetings where the regions’ answers have been developed. The network has previously designed indicators for regional statistic and this is a necessity for the regions to be able to follow the development of the bioeconomy. In December 2023 the inquiry to a Swedish Bioeconomy was handed over to the Swedish Government.

Swedish bioeconomy Strategy

The purpose of a Swedish bioeconomy Strategy is to promote sustainable growth, innovation, and employment throughout the country, contribute to environmental and climate benefits, increase the strength of supply, and reduce the vulnerability within society, by using sustainable biomass from forestry, agriculture, and fishing, as well as residual raw materials from food processing industries.

Quantitative indicators

Three examples of goals that should be followed up are; the value added of the bioeconomy has increased by 60 percent, the export value of the bioeconomy has increased by 100 percent, at least 50 percent of the regions have increased the number of employees in the bioeconomy by at least two percent.

Statistics Sweden and the Swedish government representatives are now discussing to update and refine the Bioeconomy statistics for all 21 Swedish regions.

All the experiences, especially the questions designed by the Swedish government, can now contribute to BioModel4Regions work with the strategies for bioeconomy in Europe.